Chicago School of Professional Psychology


Public Health Degrees from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology

Chicago School of Professional Psychology appears in our ranking of the Top 10 MPH in Social and Behavioral Sciences Degrees Online.

The Chicago School of Professional Psychology offers a master’s degree program in public health. Students who pursue this degree can choose from one of three concentrations: Master of Public Health; Master of Public Health, Public Policy Development and Advocacy, or Master of Public Health, Mental Health & Behavioral Aspects of Public Health Concentration. All three of these degrees are offered through the Chicago School of Professional Psychology’s online campus.

Other public health options at the university include an M.A. in Psychology with a concentration in public health or dual enrollment. The dual enrollment plan allows students to earn graduate degrees in both health services administration and public health. Both of these options are offered online.

The courses are not offered in the traditional sense. They are provided through the online campus in eight-week sessions with an additional 15 weeks of field experience. Most students complete their degrees in two to three years.

Students interested in an undergraduate degree can pursue a nursing degree in preparation for their public health careers. Chicago School of Professional Psychology offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing through its online campus. This is a degree-completion, RN to BSN program.

The Chicago School of Professional Psychology focuses primarily on psychology degrees. Students can earn degrees in general psychology, international psychology, clinical psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, business psychology, education psychology, forensic psychology, school psychology, marital and family health therapy or clinical mental health counseling. Other programs offered include counselor education and supervision, applied behavior analysis and organizational leadership.

About the Chicago School of Professional Psychology

The Chicago School of Professional Psychology is a non-profit, private university with campuses throughout the United States and a robust online presence. The school focuses solely on health degrees with a strong emphasis on psychology. The school offers master’s and Ph.D. level programs with a limited undergraduate offering.

Along with the home campus in Chicago, the university has the following physical campuses:

  • Irvine, California
  • San Diego, California
  • Los Angeles, California
  • New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Dallas, Texas
  • Washington, D.C.

Though the school does have a physical presence in Chicago, it does not offer on-campus living. The school does promote a large student body association with a variety of clubs and activities. Some of these clubs include the Forensic Ambassadors, Greek Cultural Competency, I/O Task Force, Pride Group, School Psychology Organization, Latino/a Students and Friends Association and several others.

Online students can take part in Theta Chi Sigma. TCS is a recognized chapter of Chi Sigma Iota, which is the international honor society of professional counseling and for professional counselors. Students may only join Theta Chi Sigma if they hold and maintain a GPA of at least 3.5 and have been invited to apply.

Chicago School of Professional Psychology Accreditation Details

The Chicago School of Professional Psychology is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges Senior College and University Commission. This accreditation applies to all physical campuses and the online campus. The accreditation allows the Chicago School of Professional Psychology to offer bachelor, master’s and doctoral degrees.

Chicago School of Professional Psychology Application Requirements

The Chicago School of Professional Psychology has an online application for all students regardless of where they plan to attend or which degree field they seek. There is no minimum GPA or GRE score required. However, the Chicago School of Professional Psychology does recommend applicants have at least a 3.0 GPA for entry into the master’s programs or a 3.2 GPA or entry into doctoral programs.

Applicants can submit their applications at any time during the year. Each area of study has different application deadlines, but they are considered at any time. Some students will not be able to start their studies until the fall semester, but many courses of study can begin in the spring.

Tuition and Financial Aid

The cost of attending the Chicago School of Professional Psychology for a public health degree is $789 per credit hour. In addition to the hourly tuition, students are expected to pay a variety of fees. The services that these fees cover include academic success lab, criminal background check, student ID shipping, and student institutional service. Other fees may apply to certain students, such as deferred tuition payment plan fees or course drop fees.

Students who seek a degree in public health cannot use scholarships, grants, fellowships or special tuition rates to offset the cost of the Master of Public Health degree. These students can take out institutional loans to help pay for the degree. Students may receive help or loan forgiveness in exchange for certain services. The financial aid office at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology will help students understand how much to borrow and how those loans can be repaid.

Students who choose a field other than Master of Public Health may have different tuition rates. An online master’s degree is typically about $1,200 per credit hour. A bachelor’s degree is about $450 per credit hour. Degree completion for RN to BSN is $293 each credit hour. Each of these areas requires the same additional fees as the Master of Public Health.

Those not pursuing a Master of Public Health may be able to take advantage of grants, scholarships, fellowships, and special tuition rates. The Chicago School of Professional Psychology offers reduced tuition rates to alumni, K-12 educators, law enforcement personnel and mental and behavioral health professionals. The school also offers fellowships in clinical psychopharmacology. Though these fellowships are rare and difficult to obtain, they typically cover the entire cost of attending the school.

The Chicago School of Professional Psychology partners with the Peace Corps to offer fellowships to former Peace Corps volunteers. Those individuals can use their fellowship to take online classes in the Master of Art in International Psychology program.

Learn more about public health and other degrees at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology by visiting the institution’s website.