What is a Certified Emergency Manager?

The job functions of a certified emergency manager (CEM) were evident within the military services several decades ago, but emergency management did not emerge as a full fledged career field for civilians until the 1990s. The desire to standardize and improve the emergency management profession resulted in the creation of a professional association, a body of knowledge and certification criteria for industry professionals. The emergency management career field is still evolving, but the option to earn certification credentials is a way to make sure that candidates who are skilled, experienced and committed to the profession rise to the top when opportunities become available. The requirements for certification are comprehensive enough that employers can confidently verify qualified candidates for many job vacancies just by checking for the certification credential that is administered through the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM). Here are the requirements to gain certification in emergency management.

Certified Emergency Manager Job Details

Education and Training Requirements

emergency manager trainingMany emergency management advocates believe that education and training are foundational to the emergency management certification program. Applicants must have 200 hours of verifiable training, and those hours should be evenly divided between general management and emergency management specific course work. According to the criteria given by the IAEM, candidates can have no more than 25 training hours in one subject category. Some examples of subject categories are emergency management preparation, prevention, response and recovery. Applicants can equate every semester hour of college credit with 15 hours of training time when they calculate their training requirements for certification. Emergency management certification candidates must also have at least a four year, undergraduate degree.

Experience and Professional Contributions

Besides promoting a well trained cadre of certified emergency managers, the IAEM’s certification criteria helps to ensure that only emergency management professionals that have contributed significantly to the career field become certified professionals. Candidates who have served on emergency management committees or task force groups within the government or private organizations can count their time served toward the certification requirement for professional contribution. Service as an elected officer on a board of directors for emergency management organizations counts as a professional contribution. Participation in an emergency management workshop or conference of at least 40 hours in duration is considered a professional contribution; emergency management conference speakers also obtain credit for professional contribution. A total of six professional contributions are required for certification. All certification candidates must have at least three years of job experience in emergency management that include participation in a comprehensive training exercise scenario or a real threat.

Testing Requirements

The testing requirements for emergency management certification consist of a 100 question exam and an essay. The comprehensive examination contains questions that are based upon numerous sources that include IAEM publications on emergency management principles, the Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, FEMA’s Comprehensive Preparedness Guide and several Canadian based disaster mitigation guides. Applicants need a passing grade of 75 percent to meet the certification requirements. The essay requirement consists of questions based on real life disaster situations; the answers must demonstrate the candidates’ knowledge, professional competence and communication skills.

The certification in emergency management is aimed at seasoned leaders in the field who hold relatively high profile positions. Individual careers and the profession as a whole gain tremendous momentum when well respected professionals gain certified emergency manager credentials.