What is Gerontology?

gerontologists study aging processes

According to the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, gerontology is the study of the aging process in humans. Gerontology focuses on the changes that happen between the middle of a person’s life and the end of a person’s life.  It includes the biological, psychological and social aspects of the aging process. It is a field that studies not only individuals, but society as a whole.

In addition to studying the people, a gerontologist also studies and works to implement and improve various policies and programs for the elderly.  Another important part of gerontology is advocating for the needs of the elderly.  A gerontologist can help to protect and advocate for the aging population.  This can help them achieve a greater quality of life, as well as help ensure that they are not taken advantage of.   With this help, they we have the opportunity to live the last stages of their life in a fulfilling manner.

In this article we will talk about the work of a gerontologist. We will look at the different aspects of gerontology and how they work together. We will answer the question, What is Gerontology? We will also discuss study options and potential career paths for those who may be interested in working in the area of gerontology.

The Study of Individualsgerontologists work with people as they move into old age

An important component in gerontology is the study of individuals. Gerontologists study physical changes that occur during the aging process.  There are many ways that the aging process affects the human body.  Some of the many examples of this are the loss of sight and hearing, or the weakening of major organ systems.  There are also various diseases that elderly people are more likely to get. Mental disorders are more common among the elderly population, as well. Dementia is one of the most important age related disorders for gerontologists to understand. The best way to study this is by working with individuals who are in this age group and are currently dealing with these issues.

After studying gerontology, a professional will be able to help a patient who already has a physical or mental disorder.  They will understand the disorder and why it has the effect that it does on the elderly. With this understanding, a gerontologist should be prepared to help to treat the ailment or lead the aging patient to help.  In the least, they will be able to help them walk through the specific challenge they are facing. 

A gerontologist should also be able to help patients in the area of prevention. Gerontologists can help aging patients to stay as healthy as possible, even if they are at a higher risk of getting a disease. When talking about the effects of aging, it is worth noting the difference between the study of gerontology and the study of geriatrics. Geriatrics deals more specifically with illnesses and diseases that affect the population of older adults, while gerontology deals more with the aging process as a whole.  The physical aspect of aging is one part of that, but the focus of a gerontologist is much wider. Gerontologists also understand that those who are going through aging processes go through social aging in addition to physical and mental aging.

Through gerontology, professionals study how an individual’s roles change within their various circles. This can vary greatly depending on a person’s demographics, as well as whether the patient is a man or a woman. A woman who is going through the aging process, for instance, may become a retired grandmother after being a working mom for many years.  There are many life adjustments that may need to be made.  A man who is going through this process must learn how to adjust to society as a retired worker.  There are times when help is needed to find a new purpose and niche within society.   For each person, the challenges they face are unique.  Having someone walk through these age related challenges with them can be a great help.

The Study of Societygerontologists work with people as they move into old age

Aging doesn’t just affect individuals, but it affects society and global populations as a whole too. Until the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, it was normal for families to take care of relatives who were no longer able to take care of themselves. Society was built in a way to promote and allow for a lot more multi-generational living situations. In recent years, however, more and more of the elderly are being cared for in assisted living facilities.

This shift has changed society in the United States in many ways. Gerontologists study the way this shift has changed America in general. They also study the way that this has affected the structure of the average family. For instance, if fewer people are needed to stay at home and take care of their aging family members, this means that more adults are free to join the workforce. Some people who are in the field of gerontology may spend time studying how this changes the country’s unemployment rate, average family size and general attitudes towards the elderly. 

This change may also affect the aging populations psychologically. Some believe that it would be a better situation for someone who is aging to stay with their family, as they can take advantage of many aspects of familial support. Others may argue that the opportunities that are available in an assisted living facility can offer a better quality of life for someone as they reach the later years of their life. Gerontologists can study all of this and assess the society as a whole and how the aging population is doing, as well as what can be done to help them.

The Study of Policies and Programsgerontologists study aging processes

One could argue that the most important part of gerontology has to do with its relationship to policies and programs for the elderly. This part of the study has the potential to make the most difference. Once someone has studied the  way that aging affects individuals and society, they are more prepared to figure out ways to help the elderly and their family members. This can be done by planning and implementing whole programs, as well as smaller policies within the programs.

The study of gerontology is used by the government to learn about taking proper care of an older population, and doing it in a cost-effective way. Nursing homes, hospitals and other local facilities may use the knowledge of gerontologists to make sure that their policies and procedures are keeping their patients as healthy and happy as possible. Gerontologists can work with both the federal government and smaller agencies to study how well these ideas work. After they’re sure of their findings, they fine-tune the original ideas to make them even more effective and cost-efficient.

Advocacy for the Elderly

Another important aspect of gerontology is that of advocacy. Gerontologists can use all the information they have gathered to know how to advocate for the elderly, especially those who are unable to advocate for themselves. 

There are various reasons why it may be difficult for an older person to advocate for themselves.  Sometimes they aren’t able to make sense of their various symptoms. There are other times when they feel limited because of their inability to keep up with so many technological advances.  Because of this, they may miss out on some opportunities that are offered to them.  Other times, it may just be a matter of not being aware of what services are offered to them.

A gerontologist has a unique opportunity to work as an advocate for the aging population because of their wealth of knowledge.  They can connect the resources and available programs with those who need them most. Without an advocate, many elderly people may miss out on many services and great opportunities that are available to them for healthy aging.

The Path to Gerontology

If you are considering the field of gerontology, it is a good idea to explore the various educational pathways that may be available.  The most straightforward path would be to pursue a degree in gerontology.  You can earn an associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, or master’s degree in gerontology. When choosing which of these degree programs to pursue, it is important to think about your long-term goal.

In general, it is important to remember that the higher the degree level, the higher the ceiling for upward mobility within the field.  But that doesn’t mean you need to plan to attend a medical school. If you choose an associate’s degree in gerontology, then you can expect to get an entry level job within the field.  Higher degree programs, like a bachelor’s degree, will open up more job opportunities.

Besides a gerontology degree, there is the option of earning a degree in a related field and then studying to earn certification specific to the study of gerontology.  Some examples of related fields are nursing, public policy, or social work. After completing a more general degree program, there are various options for certifications in gerontology.  These certifications can help you to qualify for a job within the field of gerontology.

Characteristics of a Good Gerontologist

You might wonder what kind of person would make a good gerontologist. As with any of the healthcare professions, good relational skills are very important.  This includes friendliness, courteousness, and the ability to listen well. A good gerontologist should have empathy and patience.  It is important that those they work with with feel valued, cared for, and heard. These interpersonal skills will allow them to work with the elderly in a more effective manner.  

It is also important for a gerontologist to have strong communication skills. This will help them to take the information they have learned through their connection with people and use it to make a difference in both individuals’ lives and society as a whole.

Gerontology Job Opportunities

There are many job opportunities for someone with a degree in gerontology. Gerontologists can be hired by hospitals, nursing homes, or rehabilitation facilities, just to name a few. Below is a list of some of the most common career choices for those who have earned a degree in gerontology.

  • Social Worker
  • Health Educator
  • Health Services Administrator
  • Home Health Aide
  • Activity Assistant
  • Case Manager
  • Grief Counselor
  • Assisted Living Director

Each of these career choices allows for someone to use their unique knowledge base and skill set to help better the life of the aging population. There are many other job opportunities to consider, but this list covers some of the most common professions for those who want to make a difference when it comes to the aging population.

In addition to the jobs listed, there are also job opportunities for gerontologists in other  more specific fields, and these jobs would require additional training. Examples of these are elder law attorneys, or medical professionals that work more specifically with aging populations, such as dentists, therapists, or nurses.

Related Resource: Physiologist

What is gerontology? Gerontology is a very useful field of study. With America’s aging population, gerontologists are needed more than ever. As time goes on, there is more and more of an expectation that despite growing older, it is quite possible to continue with a high quality of life and healthy aging. Gerontologists can help this to happen. If you enjoy working with an older population and are interested in studying the effects of aging in both theory and practice, then you might want to consider a career in gerontology.